Re: new coil
At 11:25 PM 1/17/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Subscriber: knardell-at-mailhost.accesscom-dot-net Fri Jan 17 22:39:03 1997
>Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 11:19:43 -0600
>From: Kevin <knardell-at-mailhost.accesscom-dot-net>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: new coil
>At 10:58 PM 1/16/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>Subscriber: major-at-vicksburg-dot-com Thu Jan 16 22:57:39 1997
>>Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 21:45:08 -0600
>>From: RODERICK MAXWELL <major-at-vicksburg-dot-com>
>>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>>Subject: new coil
>>Well I've found at least part of the problem. It seems the ball
>>discharge terminal was too large, so to correct the problem I took a
>>plastic fishing cork and covered it in aluminum foil. Tapped in at the
>>13th turn I got 12inch sparks! But I'm still having sparks break out on
>>the wire leadig up to the terminal.
>I used Plasti Dip to coat the wire.
> Maybe substituting a terminal
>>somewhere in between the two sizes is the answer?
> I also decreased the
>>distance between the terminal and the top of the coil hoping that that
>>would help. No joy. Will also try increase in conductor on ground
>>connection to reduce skin effect.
>> Frankensteins Helper
>> Max
>What did you treat your secondary with? You should coat it with many layers
>of varathane or better is that two part epoxy paint, Chip swears by this
>stuff so you should ask him about where you can get it. Personally I do not
>use that but I have many coats of varnish on my secondary and the few top
>turns including the air wound part is coated with Plasti Dip. The Plasti Dip
>does away with corona leaking out the coil. Also read the post about primary
>coils, that will help you with the coupling. Anything further from me would
>be speculation, I now leave it in the hands of the experts.
>Good luck!
Put my foot in my mouth. Now I have the same problem, I blew a hole in the
plasti Dip stuff, I have a pile of varnish and 2 coats of Plasti Dip on my
wire leading to my terminal and still blew a hole in it. I am blank now
myself, you can still try it but mine failed tonight. You can see in one of
my posts where I left almost the same message you did. I am going to startt
keeping quiet <G>
Kevin Nardelle
* T E S L A C O I L S *
Kevin Nardelle knardell-at-accesscom-dot-net
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