

Last night I ran my coil flat out, full power for the first time.
After about ten seconds my spark output decreased dramaticaly. At first
I thought I might have ruined the transformers, but after I turned off
the coil for a few minutes and tried again spark output returned to
normal! Does one of the more eperienced coilers know what the problem
could be? I would like to be able to run more than ten seconds at a


     Secondary coil: 4" diammeter x 18" tall  (winding area) polysyrene
     Primary coil: saucer coil, 30 degree pitch .25" tubing spaced .5"
     Spark gap: six 3/4" copper tubing 3" long spaced ~.028" apart
forced air cooling by 
      ac muffin fan
     Neon transformers: two 7500vac -at- 30ma in parallel
     Chokes: two ferrite bobbin core chokes wound with ~200 turns 24#
magnet wire in
     Safety Gap: with center post tied to rf ground
     Tank Capacitor: .003uf cap made of 1/8" thick poly in vertical
plate configuration,
     in mineral oil
     Resistors: two 50watt power resistors in series with each leg of
the transformers

[ Your spark gaps are getting too hot to quench properly.  Try putting 
  another muffin fan next to them and see how that works.  That's my bet
  anyway.  If the gaps are way hot after a run, then they are causing 
  problems. -- Chip]