Re: Toroid
Tesla List wrote:
> Subscriber: gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net Wed Jan 1 09:58:06 1997
> Date: Wed, 01 Jan 1997 20:02:08 -0800
> From: Gary Weaver <gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Toroid
> Can anyone tell me where to get a good factory made toroid or how to make a
> good one. I have several but they all are made with 4" flexable dryer hose
> and aluminum foil, stove pipe elbows, basket ball with aluminum foil. The
> sharp edges cause arcing before the toroid can reach a full charge. I know
> the toroid on the Tesla Coil works like the sphere on a Van DeGraff. If I
> can stop the premature arcs the arcs will be longer and more powerful.
> Information Unlimited has a 3" by 12" for $100. which seem small to me. I
> could make one on the lathe from a piece of solid aluminum but it would weigh
> 400 lbs. Does anyone have a suggestion?
> Gary Weaver
I live in a town so small they use a mirror to make it look bigger, but
since I was wondering about the same thing, I looked in the yellow pages
under "metal spinning" and found a place in a neighboring town, (even
smaller, they use 2 mirrors) that does metal spinning according to
specifications. As yet IU've not gotten a price on getting it done, but
I'd recommend that you look through the phone book, maybe you'll have as
much luck as I did. (Still can't find a local source for transformer
oil though... :( )