Glowing Garage Doors
>....the garage door was glowing... it was a metal door...
I speculate:
Metal, or metal over a wood or fiberglass, or foam core?
Any of the later three might pick up and hold a charge (as in an
electret) and leak it off over a noticeable amount of time. If the
charge is large enough to be at a 'high' voltage, 'long' term, visible,
corona might result.
> ...speed of propagation of charge....
If its physical movement of ions, its drift velocity. Thats one thing.
If its 'charge by ~induction~ (ie a 'field' effect) then its another,
i should think. The latter i suspect is 'speed of light(ish)'.
I'm using 'induction' in an a electrostatic sense, _not_ an
electromagnetic sense. And allow me the use of 'field', 'coz its the
only word i know for what i'm trying to say....)
[guess how behinde i am....8)>>]