
Re: Tesla's Original Gaps

At 09:10 PM 1/29/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Subscriber: knardell-at-mailhost.accesscom-dot-net Wed Jan 29 20:58:08 1997
>Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 12:01:36 -0600
>From: Kevin Nardelle <knardell-at-mailhost.accesscom-dot-net>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Tesla's Original Gaps
>I bought a book about tesla and noticed that Tesla himself said that he did
>use rotary gaps but the only benefit was cooling, he stated that quenching
>was better with stationary gaps and that he utilized magnets to quench the
>I am reading alot of interesting stuff about his inventions and also notice
>his gaps did not really change much over time, I think it is modern man that
>has changed the ways. I hear that nobody has yet been able to reproduce the
>spark length that tesla achieved so that tells me something. Why do we use
>these so modern ways? I think if we  used his ways and followed his plans to
>the letter we could also do as he did and get great results. WE don't have
>to use that old wire but the way he built the coils and generated the power
>is something we need to look at more closely, why not try it and see what
>you get?
>Comments please......
>                                       Regards,
>                                            Kevin Nardelle
>   ********************************************
>   * T   E   S   L   A      C   O   I   L   S *
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>Kevin Nardelle   knardell-at-accesscom-dot-net
>My main web page IS UP all TESLA
>related with lotsa pictures and links.
>Non related sites I have
>The Louisiana Swamps Online (Under construction)


Tesla's sparks were never all that long!!!! ( the greatest single Tesla myth
and lie -  Passed on by his biographers and not Tesla!!!)  The longest spark
ever recorded on film by Tesla is under 23 feet long.  Tesla never admitted
to a point to point spark in excess of 35' and he said that this long spark
was thin and had no energy.

In Colorado, his gaps were abominable!!!  His static gaps were always
perfect and he never used them over about 3 KW.  I refuse to use a roary in
normal service until about 5KW.  A bad modern gap is better than most
anything Tesla had.  We have no record of him ever successfully quenching a
high power arc beyond about 20KW RMS inputs.  It is still tough to do this!
Tesla did the best he could, but we are doing better now as I am sure he
would if he had the access to modern tools and materials.

We are certainly beating his best performance per unit resonator size!

Richard Hull, TCBOR