Re: The IDIOT is gone
Tesla List wrote:
> Subscriber: tom_mcgahee-at-sigmais-dot-com Tue Jan 28 23:03:10 1997
> Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 14:46:56 -0500
> From: Thomas McGahee <tom_mcgahee-at-sigmais-dot-com>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: The IDIOT is gone
> [The following text is in the "ISO-8859-1" character set]
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> The IDIOT is Gone!
> My thanks to all of you who responded to the Idiot Guide postings with
> material, questions, constructive criticism, and moral support.
> I see a real need for a Beginner's Handbook that is not too heavy on the
> math. I want to help
> get people HOOKED on Tesla coils. Tesla coils are the kinds of things that
> often trigger in people a lifelong interest in science. I think that for
> most of us who are here on the Tesla list, we have very fond memories of
> our first encounter with the Tesla coil, no matter at what age we first
> encountered it. I don't want a Beginner's Guide to turn people off
> because they see all the math and say "Oh, that's too hard to understand...
> I'll just build a Van de Graaf Generator for my science project instead of
> a Tesla coil."
> BUT, you are ABSOLUTELY right that we need a Handbook for those persons who
> really want to get into coiling in a big way, or who are already coilers
> and just want to have a better understanding of what is going on BEHIND all
> that noise and sparks. This group need a lot of math to help them decide
> how many turns, what diameter and length, how far apart, what resonant
> frequency, and all that sort of Good Stuff.
> The Experts out there also deserve a handbook that THEY can use. A
> place where we can gather all of the information that is currently
> available, all of the references and formulae, and the theories and
> conjectures and opinions that make coiling a living, breathing thing, not a
> dead body of information.
> I think that if we begin by trying to make the Guide as complete and
> comprehensive as we can about every single aspect of the Tesla coil and all
> its component parts, we will be on the right track. From the COMPLETE
> Guide it would be relatively easy to snip out the stuff that would
> confuse a beginner, and end up with a beginners handbook that is derived
> directly from the complete guide.
> The Complete Guide would optimally have a companion Book of Diagrams and
> Formulae useful to the coiler. The TEXT would then explain what was going
> on, and notations would direct people to the appropriate page in the Book
> of Formulae to get the actual formulae.
This sounds like a workable approach! It also sounds like something that
will take some time to generate, edit, and refine. However, we also have
enough expertise on this list to pull this off...
> The things in {} brackets would direct people to things like Equations {Eq
> 22,27}, Diagrams and Drawings {Fig 12}, related Sections {Sec 12}, and any
> computer programs that perform the computations mentioned or implied in the
> text {Prog 7}.
> The purpose in such a plan is to keep the text eminently READABLE, even in
> its pure text form. The person with more knowledge would not have to look
> at formulae he already knew. A Novice would not be subjected to
> mathematical detail that for him would only be distracting and confusing.
> Experts could have more exact formulae that incorporate more detail
> included in the book of formulae, following the formulae that might be
> recommended for use by someone building a Beginner's Coil.
> If you think the formulae should be placed inline, tell me so. We are just
> beginning the process, and changes in style can be very easily made at this
> point.
I'd recommend that SIMPLE formulas be included in-line. More
sophisticated material can be referenced by those who are really
interested in a more in-depth analysis.
> Well, that should give you an inkling of the kind of task I have set out
> for myself. I am willing to undertake it and give it my best. It will not
> be easy for many reasons, but I honestly think that the process itself will
> help all of us to think a bit more deeply about just exactly what IS going
> on within our beloved Tesla coils.
> I just hope it doesn't take forever to get people to cooperate. It is
> impossible to do alone. I don't want to settle for pretty good. I want
> something that will contain the BEST information currently available
> anywhere. I think that the Tesla list members have maybe 95% of what we
> need stored up in our collective noggins and notes Right Now. What I want
> to do is get it all written down for all of us to use as a handy reference
> book. A sort of Compendium of Knowledge on Tesla Coils, suitable for
> beginner and expert alike.
> As to Tesla Magnifier Coils, I am willing to include as much information
> about them as I can get, and YOU deem desireable. I need to get my hands on
> whatever info there
> is already out there, but I am not finding very much. It would help if I
> could get back issues of coiler newsletters and be put on the mailing list
> for current issues. But I honestly cannot afford to subscribe to even a
> few. And I am not yet fully aware of what exactly is out there. Perhaps if
> the newsletters themselves were to give me issues in exchange for the right
> to publish the fragments of the Handbooks as they come out. But you see, I
> have already declared to everyone that this information can be freely used.
> And I mean to stand by that. Anything less would be a disservice to us all.
> By the way, I am posting the above section on Matching Impedances to the
> list under the title "Guide 60HzMatch". I really need feedback on the above
> circuit description.
> I would like to start a Resource Module for the Guide that would include
> things like what brand of varnish etc. our members have found useful. Some
> of these items would have addresses, telephone numbers, etc. of suppliers.
> For example, we might have an entry under Transformers something like:
> Perfect Brand Neon Transformers
> Members swear BY these, not AT them!
> These are particularly resistant to internal arcing. Highly Recommended.
> PolyWhatsit filling (not tar). Vacuum impregnated.
> 9KV -at- 30 ma $45
> 12KV -at- 30 ma $55
> 12KV -at- 60 ma $75
> Perfect Brand Company
> Address
> Telephone / Fax
> Pole Pigs
> Try your local power utility. Most of these places have a graveyard where
> they put older units that have been removed from service. Check your local
> metal scrap yard.
> New units can be purchased from ........ write to ........ for their
> catalog #457. Typical price for a 14.4KV 10KW unit is $$$$$.
> So, what do YOU think?
> Fr. Thomas McGahee
I think this is a VERY ambitious underrtaking, but also a very valuable
one. You could view this as a series of smaller FAQ's that can be tied
together as a BIG Tesla Coil FAQ. This can evolve as more
information/understanding becomes available. You're off to a good start.
I'm game to provide whatever support I can!
-- Bert --