Unzip Z Files
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I am trying to do some rummaging through the files at the
ftp site, but many of them are in a <Z> format instead of the Zip format. I
am running Windows 95. How do I manage to read these files?
Also, someone mentioned archived files from this Tesla list. I got the
impression that past posts were kept there. Instead of asking members for
stuff they already talked about last month, last year, I would like to get
at the archive files and extract as much info as I can myself. Where are
they, and are there any special instructions on using the archives?
Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to give me!
Fr. Tom McGahee
[ .Z files are compressed using the UNIX compress utility. I believe
that gnuzip (which is available for DOS) can handle that type of file.
As we speak, I'm downloading (really mailing) most of the mail archives
to Kristian Ukkonen. They are split up into about 35 files so that you
don't have to download the entire 26M at once. I'm putting together an
index by date for the files. -- Chip]