

In a message dated 97-01-22 03:23:59 EST, you write:

- snip -
 So what you are telling me is that I need more ice-tea bottles? If I add
 more capacitance to the tank it will preform better, would I also have to
 adjust the spark gap? It also might be time for more gap, I run a 12KV 120MA
 neon with a total capacitance of .006uf. Another thing is that my primary
 has 1 inch spacing, would it be better preformance wise if I were to reduce
 the space in the primary or does that not matter? What about going with a
 smaller toroid????? 
 Questions qusetions, I am sorry:(

If you are going to add a toroid, the resonant frequency of the secondary
will decrease.  You will need to decrease the frequency of the primary
accordingly.  This can be done either by increasing the primary coil
inductance or by adding more capacintance.  The secondary for my 6.0" dia.
coil is made from 3/8" tubing with 3/8" spacing between turns.  My smaller
coil uses #10 solid wire wound with .45 spacing between turns.  Rewinding
your primary with tighter spacing will certainly increase its inductance.
 You might try recalculating all the parameters to see how things change.
 Your transformer will be able to breakout a large toroid - up to 24" to 30"
I would guess easily.  I also agree, you want a larger capacitor.  This
transformer can handle a capacitor two or three times as large.

Ed Sonderman