tube circuits
With all the posts on Tube Tesla Coils I have gotten interested in building a
tube TC. I have a xerox copy of an artical from 1954 Popular Electronics for
a tube TC. I have two another TC circuit. These are the only tube circuits I
If anyone has a tube circuit for a TC please email it to me. I would like to
collect several circuits then make a decision on which one to build.
I was thinking about building a very small desk top TC first then later a
larger one.
Is it possible to build a TC without a high voltage transformer. I was
thinking of using a voltage multiplier to increase the 120 VAC line voltage
to what ever voltage I need to suit the tube. Has anyone tried this?
I know I could design and build my own circuit but that takes time. Time I
don't have.
Please send TC circuits to http://www.gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net
I would prefer zip files if possible.
Gary Weaver