Skin Effect 2
From: gweaver[SMTP:gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 1997 11:54 PM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Skin Effect 2
I know skin effect exists but I can not prove it is useful in TC building.
I have 3 primary coils. All coils are flat wound with 1/4" space between
the tubes.
Coil #1 is made with 1/4" tubing. Coil #2 is 3/8" tubing. Coil #3 is 5/8"
tubing. All have 16 turns.
I tried all 3 primary coils on a TC. Coil #2 works better that Coil #3 and
coil #1 works better than coil #2 or #3. The goal is long hot output sparks
from the toroid. Nothing else in the circuit was changed.
Next I changed other things in the circuit. I changed toriods. I changed
from 15K to 12K neon. I changed capacatance. I changed the secondary coil.
Primary coil #1 still produces the best output spark.
I can not see that skin effect is important at all. If it increases the
output of a Tesla Coil it must be extremely small and almost not noticable.
Have I missed something? What good is skin effect?
Each primary coil in this test is physical larger than the next because of
the larger tubing. If each primary coil were made exactly the same physical
size by reducing the number of turns of the larger diameter tubing skin
effect might be noticable.
Next compare skin effect to magnetic field flux density. Which one
increases spark output the most? Its not skin effect.
Gary Weaver