Re: No Rain=Test
Subject: Re: No Rain=Test
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 1997 00:53:33 -0400 (EDT)
From: richard hull <rhull-at-richmond.infi-dot-net>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
I have heard of sparks breaking out on the secondary of
>a two
>coil system (and seen it on mine) but have not heard of the wire getting
>hot in one spot except with Richard Hulls maggys.
>Ed Sonderman
If a single wire turn gets hot, IT IS SHORTED!!!! This happened to
(A regular two winding coil and not a maggey) as the maggeys would hit
during development. The turn on Nemesis would incandese!! One turn on
secondary can't heat- ever-, unless it is shorted.
The maggeys never heat except the resonator of 11-E where 30 gausge wire
processes 5-7KW and then the coil uniformly heats.
Richard Hull, TCBOR