Re: Compuserve limit
Subject: Re: Compuserve limit
Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 15:19:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: gweaver <gweaver-at-earthlink-dot-net>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Have you tried Earthlink? Call 1-800-555-1212 and ask for the Earthlink
number. I think its located in CA. I tryed CompuServe, Prodigy, AOL,
and then Earthlink. Earthlink is by far the very best. Earthlink
unlimited Internet access and unlimited online time for $19.95 a month.
can stay online 24 hours a day for 30 day of the month and not get any
charges. When I tried the other services they all offered 5 hours of
time with an extra charge of $2.50 for each hour over the 5 hour limit
internet access was limited with additional charges for places that were
limits all for $19.95 a month. Earthlink even offers a Satelite Dish
link that allows you to download stuff at a very fast rate of something
130KB per second. With the satellite dish you can surf the web many
faster. I don't have a satellite dish but a friend does and he can
downloads 6 megs file in about 46 seconds. I tag files and start them
downloading at night then go to bed leaving the computer on and
all night long. I downloaded 37 megs of stuff a few nights ago. I am
limited to 1 meg downloads. Hope this gives you an idea of what
Earthlink is
like. Also if an Earthlink member gets someone new to join they get a
month of Earthlink.
Gary Weaver
At 08:18 AM 6/7/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Subject: Re: Compuserve limit
> Date: Sat, 07 Jun 1997 03:03:36 GMT
> From: jim.fosse-at-bjt-dot-net (Jim Fosse)
> To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> CC: ThorntoR-at-csreng.pafb.af.mil
>References: 1
>>On 04 Jun 97 07:01:26 EDT Alan Sharp
>><100624.504-at-compuserve-dot-com> wrote;
>>> Russ,
>>> I'm very interested in solid state coils - but these file sizes
>>> alas are too big - I'm sure that Compuserve limit my mail box to
>>> 1 meg. Its a pity you can't OCR the text - a 100:1 compression
>>> method.
> They are on my ftp site now:
> ftp://ftp.bjt-dot-net/users/jfosse/
>Current directory is /users/jfosse
>Up to higher level directory
> TC-CAPS1.jpg 323 Kb
> TC-CAPS2.jpg 389 Kb
> TC-CAPS3.jpg 331 Kb
> TC-CAPS4.jpg 391 Kb
> TC-CAPS5.jpg 401 Kb
> jim