Re: Doorknob Caps
Subject: Re: Doorknob Caps
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 03:36:08 +0500
From: "Alfred A. Skrocki" <alfred.skrocki-at-cybernetworking-dot-com>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
On Sun, 08 Jun 1997 19:58:16 -0500 R. Dewzenol MacMorran
<dewzenol-at-smart1-dot-net> wrote;
> I've been told that doorknob caps are great as far as capacity goes and
> aren't too leaky... I ran across a bunch of 30kv .000461mf caps that are
> supposedly doorknobs... But they are ceramic cylinders with contacts on
> the axis of the cylinder on either end. I thought doorknob caps were glass.
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__| |__
If a capacitor looks like this ---> |__| |__|
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Then no matter what it's made of, be it glass, ceramic or even
plastic, it is still a door knob capacitor.
> Obviously I'd be using these for a small coil.... Think they're a good
> idea? If anyone's interested, I might be able to get some of them; they
> were a dollar or two each...
When I first started building Tesla coils door knob capacitors were
all over the place and cheap! But they never seemed to perform well
in a tesla coil they would also get rather hot implying there were
large power factor losses. Best thing I can say considering how cheap
you got them is try it and see for your self.
\\ ~ ~ //
( -at- -at- )
Alfred A. Skrocki
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