

From: 	Robert W. Stephens[SMTP:rwstephens-at-headwaters-dot-com]
Sent: 	Thursday, June 19, 1997 6:34 PM
To: 	Tesla List
Subject: 	Re: Chokes

> Subject:  Chokes
>   Date:   Tue, 17 Jun 1997 14:32:56 +0200 (SAT)
>   From:   Richard <esmit-at-ilink.nis.za>
>     To:   tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Hi, guys
> I have a transformer of 15000 VAC 30 mA and want to build a choke for my
> transformer. (I don't know much about chokes) Can anyone give me info on
> how
> to build it, the reason I'm asking you is that I can't unzip some of the
> files on ftp.funet.fi 
> I really don't want to buy a new transformer if something goes wrong.
> Thanks
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |Richard Smit  | Telephone: +27-525-32634                               
> |         
> |P.O.Box 566   | Email:     esmit-at-ilink.nis.za                          
> |
> |Bultfontein   | Age:       17 years old                                
> |
> |9670          | Hobbies:   Tesla Coils; Computors; Paranormal; UFO's   
> |
> |South Africa  | Birthday:  5 October 1997                              
> |
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

My company manufactures the kind of chokes you are looking for.  You 
will need two of them.  Contact me off list for pricing and other information 
if you are interested.

Robert W. Stephens
Lindsay Scientific Co.
RR1 Shelburne, ON
Canada L0N-1S5