Re: More Mini Coils (scopes)
From: FutureT-at-aol-dot-com[SMTP:FutureT-at-aol-dot-com]
Sent: Thursday, June 26, 1997 4:54 AM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: More Mini Coils (scopes)
In a message dated 97-06-26 00:13:05 EDT, you write:
<<snip> Note that measuring the wattage obtained at the input to the TC
>power transformer and the maximum spark length obtained from the coil
>is not of much value. This is because there is no way to find the wattage
>that produced the maximum spark length. It is interesting to note that this
>type of rating for Tesla coils has been used for years. The assumption
>was that the wattage was the same for all sparks. This is obviously not
>correct because if it was all sparks would be the same length for a
> certain coil.
> John Couture
You're looking at "true" efficiency; energy in vs. energy out, per spark.
And from this point of view you are correct. I prefer to look at Tesla
coils from a "practical coiler's" viewpoint in this sense: Suppose one
coil drew 1000 watts and gave 50" sparks that were all equal in length.
Now suppose another coil drew the same 1000 watts, but gave some
sparks that were only 40" in length, but sometimes gave sparks that
were 60" in length. It could happen that the true efficiency of both coils
could be equal (depending on the percentage of time that 40" sparks
were given and the percentage of time that 60" sparks were given. )
Yet, IMO, most coilers would probably "enjoy" the coil that gave
occasional 60" sparks...more. And most coilers would probably
consider the coil which gave 60" sparks to be more efficient, although
as you correctly point out, it may not be. One could argue, and say,
that taken to the extreme, a coil could be built that produces 40"
sparks, and running continuously, would throw out a 60" spark only
once every hour...would such a coil be considered to be efficient?
IMO...NO, because it would not "look" efficient.
I think that the use of two different definitions for spark length
efficiency are useful; the "true" energy in...energy out definition, and
also the practical coilers definition.
Just my viewpoint,
John Freau