Re: R.I.P. one 14kV pole pig!
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Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 17:47:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: Charles Brush <cfbrush-at-interport-dot-net>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: Re: R.I.P. one 14kV pole pig!
[snips from Ed Sonderman's reply]
>Sorry to hear about the demise of your pig. I have not heard of any others
Thanks a lot Ed! I was pretty pleased that the caps survived intact. That
5kVA pig cost me $190, and while I am sad to lose it, the Maxwells were a
heck of a lot more expensive.
>Nice pictures. Our coils are very similar except your primary looks to be
>wound at a steeper angle than mine. When I used to run mine in the basement,
>I did have aluminum flashing (grounded of course) covering the tank circuit.
Yes, I've used a chicken wire screen over the tank in the past. That will
be permanent from now on. I though people might be interested in the
pictures. I may not get to fully disect the pig until early November, but
I will definitely post more pictures (for anyone just tuning in...there are
some pictures of the interior of my blown pole pig at :
http://www.foundrygroup-dot-com/cbrush ). From now on it's permanent safety
gaps on the pigs, strike shields, and maybe bypass caps. I just picked up
a whole lot of doorknobs at a hamfest that would be good for this.
>I have a new design to try out to fix the downward strikes - once I get the
>damn thing running again. I tested this idea on my small 3" coil and it
>works well. I have a 5 x 40" toroid mounted on the secondary. On top of
>this I place a cylinder 18" tall and maybe 24" in diameter made of aluminum
>flashing rivited together at the ends. On top of this sits a 5 x 33" toroid.
> All the discharges should leave from the top toroid and not be able to or
>want to go down toward the primary. I'll let you know how this works,
>someday soon I hope.
I will be interested in hearing how that works! Good luck with your coil's