
"Draining Energy" and Location of HV Supply Parts

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Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 18:43:21 -0500
From: Tedd Payne <tpayne-at-netnitco-dot-net>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: "Draining Energy" and Location of HV Supply Parts

I don't recall hearing much about this, can someone advise me?

I'm trying to decide whether to place the neon transformer, cap, spark
gap assembly, and "protective" parts UNDER the primary, or off to the
side in a SEPARATE enclosure.  Here are the things I'm wondering about:

1.  Assuming some sort of "flashover" is not the issue here, does the
proximity of the above parts cause a performance-reducing drain on the
primary?  If so, how far away would these parts need to be to make the
drain insignificant?

Would it be better to have these parts "off to the side"?

2.  Is the proximity of the FLOOR below the coil likely to cause a
performance-reducing drain on the primary?  If so, how far above the
floor would the primary need to be to make the drain insignificant?

