Re: Rubber toroids
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Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 11:45:46 -0400
From: Kevin Christiansen <kevin+-at-cs.cmu.edu>
To: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Subject: Re: Rubber toroids
At 11:57 AM 10/12/97 -0600, you wrote:
>It works! When I was no longer able to find spun sheet iron globes to
>use for Van De Graffs and Tesla coil terminals, I started
>experimenting with various manufacturing techniques and ended up with
>using paper mache and then spraying it with Aqua-Dag spray ( a
>conductive graphite based paint used in the T.V. industry to create
>ground plains in cabinets ect.) then plating the entire surface using
>a foam brush connected to oe terminal of the power supply and the
>other terminal being connected to the Aqua-Dag surface periodicaly
>soaking up some plating soloution onto the foam brush. Using this
>technique I hae so far manufactured a 6 foot sphere for my last Van
>De Graff generator and a 48 inch x 12 inch toroid for one of my
>Tesla coils. Using this method I hae no doubt in my ability to make a
>conductive surface of ANY size or shape I so desire!
> Sincerely
> \\\|///
> \\ ~ ~ //
> ( -at- -at- )
> -----o00o-(_)-o00o-----
> Alfred A. Skrocki
> Alfred.Skrocki-at-CyberNetworking-dot-com
> .ooo0 0ooo.
> -----( )---( )-----
> \ ( ) /
> \_) (_/
Hello there!
Thanks for such an informative post! I am glad that such things are possible.
Is Aquadag something you purchase or something you make? If you make it, what's
the recipe? Can it be done with conductive lampblack (which I just happen to
Also, what's the recipe for this plating solution that you are using?
Thank you very much!
- Kevin
Kevin D Christiansen
Human Computer Interaction Institute - Carnegie Mellon University
kevin-at-cs.cmu.edu http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kevin/
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dust. Galaxies themselves are composed of space, stars, and
interstellar dust. From the omnipresence of dust, we conclude
that nature abhors a vacuum and won't pick up a broom, either."