Re: Rotary Modifications Update
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Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 19:35:29 -0400 (EDT)
From: FutureT-at-aol-dot-com
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: Rotary Modifications Update
In a message dated 97-10-17 16:51:27 EDT, you write:
> The current capacitance in use totals .075 mfd, so it's a good sized tank
> cap. I have not tried offsetting the electrodes, however the way I built
> the rotary would make this a pretty straight forward change. I've already
> had to pack up my coiling for the winter since I needed the garage back,
> already there's several things on my to-do list for next spring! I wish I
> had a warm spot to run during the winter. I could take everything to work,
> but it might be hard to explain if the computer network or anything else
> started to perform in a less than predictable manner :^)
>> Chuck
Yes, the large cap makes it even less likely that gaps are
refiring, thanks for that info. Yeah, it's sure too bad that you have
to shut down for the winter, and just when things were getting
interesting it seems. If you could run the TC at work, in some
sort of warehouse area that's on a separate line, with good
filters, etc, maybe it would be OK? After all museum coils do
run successfully with computers in the building I suppose. But
there's always a danger, and a lot of things to unplug to be safe
each time you run the TC. Guess you'd have to run after hours,
or on weekends or whenever operations are shut down.
John Freau