Call for links!
From: Charles Brush[SMTP:cfbrush-at-interport-dot-net]
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 1997 5:24 PM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Call for links!
Hi everyone,
I just reworked my web site, and would very much like to get some more
reciprocal links to other Tesla & HV sites. If you have a site that you
would like linked, please send me a note off list to cfbrush-at-interport-dot-net
My site now has some new photos of my 6" pig system, a new arclamp, as well
as a couple of new movies. There is also a section called "Cooking With
High Voltage" for any would-be chefs out there. It is sure to sicken and
amuse! ;-)
I haven't had a chance yet to further dissect that blown pole pig, but I'll
post a message & photos when I do for anyone interested
Charles Brush