Re: Pole pigs in the USA
From: Adam[SMTP:absmith-at-tiac-dot-net]
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 1997 9:50 AM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: Pole pigs in the USA
>I did purchase my pole pig (5kva 14,400 volt) from the local utility company.
> Talk to the person responsible for selling all their scrap - and they have
>lots of it - wire, transformers, etc. I think it was called the investment
>recovery department. I got a real good deal and only paid $100.00 I think
>the normal price is about $200.00.
This is certainly a source for pole pigs, but be careful that you don't
get an older PCB filled unit. Not only are these carcinogenic, but it
wil cost you 10 times what you paid for it to dispose of it. Read the
label carefully!
Adam Smith
Epoch, Inc. Digital Music Project
www.tiac-dot-net/users/absmith/ Now with MP3! Musik. Macht. Macintosh.