Re: Driving microwave transformers with 220V
From: Alfred A. Skrocki[SMTP:alfred.skrocki-at-cybernetworking-dot-com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 1997 5:26 AM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: Driving microwave transformers with 220V
On Monday, October 27, 1997 1:09 PM Harri Suomalainen
[SMTP:haba-at-cc.hut.fi] wrote;
> On Sun, 26 Oct 1997, Tesla List wrote:
> > Harri, considering that almost all microwave transformers (except a few
> > industrial units and they have current limiting chokes in series with the
> > transformer) have built in magnetic shunts just like neon sign transformers
> > and obits (oil burner ignition transformers), there is really no need for
> > ballists unless you want to use either a variable choke or a saturable
> > reactor to give you variable control over the transformer.
> That's definately interesting. I think all the microwave transformers
> I've seen from the consumer product were just normal transformers with
> no shunts. Perhaps I've not looked them good enough, perhaps it varies
> from one part of the world to another. Gotta look more into that thing.
This gets funny! As the saying goes, not too long ago I was standing in
your shoes! For quite some time it seemed that all the microwave oven
transformers I was finding were potential transformers without any kind of
magnetic shunts. Then I got into an argument as to whether or not microwave
transformers were current limited or not. Then the discussion led to the
point of view that it made no difference as to how the transformers looked,
what was important was how they behaved! In testing how much current the
various transformers pulled with open verses shorted secondaries, it was
found that damn near ALL the microwave transformers (industrial or
residential) were self current limited.
\\ ~ ~ //
( -at- -at- )
Alfred A. Skrocki
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