Re: parallel secondary coil
From: DR.RESONANCE[SMTP:DR.RESONANCE-at-next-wave-dot-net]
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 1997 11:40 AM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: parallel secondary coil
To: Stan
>From a large plumbing jobber/distributor you can only purchase 20 ft
lengths, but if you visit some plumbers (end users) you can usually pick up
shorter pieces -- it usually just takes some telephone footwork.
> From: Stan Harle[SMTP:lazer-at-earth.wazoo-dot-com]
> Reply To: Stan Harle
> Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 1997 7:19 AM
> To: Tesla List
> Subject: Re: parallel secondary coil
> Gary,
> This is potentially important work for those of us who can't get anything
> larger than 6" Sch 40 in 20 foot lengths! Now, I'm itching for a pig.
> Please keep us updated on any new results utilizing parallel coils.
> I'm interested in what the comparison is between these pseudo-8" and an
> actual in terms of measurements and performance. Can some of you guys who
> have actual wound coils of these sizes fill in how the performance
> stack up?
> Stan Harle
> Alamogordo, NM