
Re: Water rheostat?

From: 	Felix[SMTP:73374.1547-at-compuserve-dot-com]
Sent: 	Thursday, September 04, 1997 7:49 PM
To: 	BlindCopyReceiver:;;;-at-compuserve-dot-com;
Subject: 	Water rheostat?

I'm advised to buy a variac to smooth out my switch-on transients. But
why not an electrolyte rheostat which is $100 or so cheaper? I
visualize a PVC pot of salt water containing basically two wires, one
with a well-insulated handle. Such rheostats were used for various
purposes in Tesla's day. Even a small volume of water could absorb
the waste heat of a brief startup.
Can anyone tell my why this wouldn't be a good alternative?