
Re: Microwave coiling.

From: 	Edward V. Phillips[SMTP:ed-at-alumni.caltech.edu]
Sent: 	Thursday, September 18, 1997 12:24 PM
To: 	tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: 	Re:  Microwave coiling.

" Four numbers on my microwave ovens keypad have quit working. I am going to
buy a new one. My question: what will I be able to salvage that would be
useful for coiling? It still works. Would it be useful as is for some lab
heating purpose? The last one I used for target practice. This time I shall
be more practical. Specs.- 1500 watt 2450 MHZ  Thanks, Lynn.

           Get your "Tars and Stripes" from Anderson Asphalt!"
	I would suggest taking the control panel apart and looking
at the key pads.  If they are elastomeric rubber they may be repairable.
I have had pretty good luck just cleaning both sides of the contact
(key and circuit board) with alcohol (I use 91% isopropyl as it is
readily available) and reassembling.  In some cases where the
keys are conductive rubber it helps to rub the contacting surface
with the softest lead pencil you can, then clean the dust off and