
AC coil resistance equation

From: "bmack" <bmack-at-frontiernet-dot-net>

Hello all

I haven't been very active on the list of late, so I thought now is as 
good time as any to participate.

A few months ago I wanted to calculate the unloaded Q of my coils,
but had no equation to find the AC resistance. The only thing I could
readily find was a passage in the 1995 ARRL handbook that states
that the starting frequency for skin effect has the relationship
f = 124/d^2. Where f is frequency in MHZ, and d is the wire diameter in
 This in itself is pretty much useless, but then they state
( I paraphrase for clarity):" the ac resistance increases by about a factor
ten for every two orders of magnitude".  Or another way is to say each
order of magnitude increases the over the dc resistance by a factor of 
sqrt(10) which is approx 3.2.

Therefore AC resistance has the relation

Rac=3.2*Rdc(log fo/fc).    fo is the operating  frequency, and fc is the
effect frequency, both in MHZ.

Now I substitute fc since fc=124/d^2

resulting in Rac= 3.2*Rdc*(log (d^2 *fo)/124)

d= wire diameter in  mills
fo= operating frequency in MHZ
Rdc= coil dc resistance

At least this way the math is a single step affair and the logarithmn
povides an accurate magnitude calculation.
Did I help anyone or did I just reinvent the wheel?

Jim McVey