
Strange Spark Phenomena

From:  Edward V. Phillips [SMTP:ed-at-alumni.caltech.edu]
Sent:  Sunday, February 01, 1998 1:23 PM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Re:  Strange Spark Phenomena

"Ed brings up an interesting point.

I, too, have noted this effect on my large Morris and Lee generator.  This
is why I am not totally convinced that the Tesla coil spark/sine timing or
pulse train variations are the culprit."

	I usually see the following.  More or less straight bright
blue spark for a couple of inches, at which point in branches into
a number of purple sparks which fan out around the point where
the blue spark ends.  
	This is with my little VDG which has an 8" diameter
upper terminal and about 13" spacing to the bottom terminal.  Puts
out about 2.5 microamps and frequently will spark from top to
bottom.  Upper terminal is positive, as with all of the self-excited
jobs I have built and alwo the large Science First (ex Morris and Lee)
generator I picked up a while ago.  Effects are similar, just scale
up in size as the generator gets larger.  Lots of fun to watch!
