bouncing email to Robert W. Stephens(fwd)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 21:59:50 -0500
From: "Robert W. Stephens" <rwstephens-at-headwaters-dot-com>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: bouncing email
If anyone has had email sent to me bounce recently it is because my
own server has made major changes and its DNS has been changed. I
was told to ask that anyone who has had mail bounced back to call
their own ISP and request that they "recycle DNS server". Apparently
this will update the address of my server as seen by them. This will
straighten itself out by itself also but may take several weeks. Did
anyone understand this? : )
Sorry for any inconvenience. I can honestly say that this time
.... it's not my fault!
Robert W. Stephens
Lindsay Scientific Co.
RR1 Shelburne, ON Canada L0N-1S5
Tel: 1-519-925-1771 Fax:
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inquiries welcomed! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~