Insulation on Primary windings (fwd)
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Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 03:22:07 +1100 (EST)
From: Rodney Graham Davies <Rodney.Davies-at-anu.edu.au>
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Insulation on Primary windings
Hi All,
Say, I'm designing a new small coil and am deciding on what type of
conductor to use for the primary.
I'm building a 3"x12" coil and am looking at a conductor diameter (for
the primary) of 0.125". I could go for copper pipe, or I was thinking
standard 30Amp Earth wire (which is about the same diameter).
Refering to my subject line, Insulation on the primary, why is it, that
for every coil I've seen (from miniature to huge), the primary windings
*never* have any insulation... why is this so?
Therefore, I was thinking that I might leave the insulation on the
Earth wire that I'll use on the primary... good idea?
Weird thought I know, rather trivial, but it's something I've not thought
about before...