BIG Capacitors
From: Jim Fosse [SMTP:jim.fosse-at-bjt-dot-net]
Sent: Friday, February 20, 1998 10:34 AM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: BIG Capacitors
>From: Eleanor Flood [SMTP:eflood-at-bellsouth-dot-net]
>Sent: Sunday, January 04, 1998 4:08 PM
>To: Tesla List
>Subject: Re: BIG Capacitors
>> The caps are used in a non-repetitive situation so the only real
>> qualities they must have are being able to consistently withstand the
>> applied DC voltage with a safe margin and low ESR (extended foil is
>> mandatory). A design for a dry-fired rolled cap that fits this
>> description is available on Jim Fosse's Website and also I think on
>> the nic.funet site. These caps are relatively cheap to build and you
>> can scale the design without degrading it or build a number of them
>> an parallel them up. Yes, it's my design.
>> Malcolm
>Please, need URL address for nic.funet and/or Jim Fosse website.
>We are new at this and do not have the addresses.
>We would like to build our own BIG capacitors, if possible.
Malcolm's caps are on my ftp site now. They are not on
Kristian's ftp site though.
do check out Kristians site thought for some excellent pictures.
pictures in the /pictures directory;)
construction in the misc directory.