Multi-layered Secondary HELP!!
From: Edward V. Phillips [SMTP:ed-at-alumni.caltech.edu]
Sent: Friday, February 20, 1998 11:34 AM
To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject: Re: Multi-layered Secondary HELP!!
"Another thought - it is possible to imagine a multi-layer coil layered
the 'other way', effectively a stack of concentric spirals going
alternately in and out, e.g. for 3 layers,the turn numbers being
something like :
| |
987| |789
456| |654
It would however require a lot of ingenuity to figure out how to
actually wind such a beast - any takers?
Keeping the spirals going the same way on each layer (i.e. always
outward) would be easier to wind, but less neat due to the 'flyback'
of the wire back towards the centre on each spiral, reducing the
number of total turns possible."
How do you wind the second layer, starting at the outside and
winding in???????????? By the way, "bank wound" coils were common
in the good old days of radio. Look up the various winding schemes
in an old radio text. Essentially, a progressive technique of
winding inner terms, winding on top of those by a single layer, and
then more inner turns, etc., was used. The thing has to be wound
so as to be self-supporting (can't become unravelled), and "it
ain't easy" without special coil winding machines. The problem
with any of these schemes is the voltage between turns.