Dead NST
From: Thornton, Russ #CSR2000 [SMTP:ThorntoR-at-rc.pafb.af.mil]
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 9:17 AM
To: 'Tesla discussion Group'
Subject: Dead NST
Hi all,
I just picked up a 15 Kvolt 30 ma transformer from a sign shop. They
gave it to me as they had it marked with one side bad. I assumed from
reading this list that it was probably shorted from tracking. When I
got it home and checked it with a meter, that side was open. I poped
the top and it is filled to the top with tar. Is it worth trying to
salvage this thing, by getting the tar out, when a side is open?
Russ Thornton
CSR 2040,
Building 989, Rm. A1-N20
Phone: (407) 494-6430
Email: thorntor-at-rc.pafb.af.mil