

From:  Edward V. Phillips [SMTP:ed-at-alumni.caltech.edu]
Sent:  Wednesday, February 25, 1998 1:37 PM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Re:  833A

"Hi Guys,

I lucked up on an 833A triode (for free!).  I have no experience
with the big tube.  Is it OK to mount it horizontally?  I plan to
run mine pretty hot using a 1KVA MOT for +B.  I'm thinking about
removing the old magnetron filament winding & rewinding it for the
filament supply.  This would certainly make for a cheap, compact
power supply.  The same dead oven that provided the transformer also
yielded a nice, open-frame 5" blower--suitable for cooling the tube?
Any advice on care & feeding of the 833A would be much appreciated.


East Anglia, UK"

	Horizontal mounting is OK, provided the plane of the
plate is vertical, so sagging filament won't be so likelyh to
to touch the grid.  I suspect that the magnetron filament was
a lot less than the 833A, so there may not be enough windingt
winding space.
