
Magnifier Question

From:  Bert Hickman [SMTP:bert.hickman-at-aquila-dot-com]
Sent:  Saturday, January 31, 1998 6:57 PM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: Magnifier Question

Tesla List wrote:
> ----------
> From:  Gregory R. Hunter [SMTP:ghunter-at-mail.enterprise-dot-net]
> Sent:  Saturday, January 31, 1998 12:06 PM
> To:  Tesla List
> Subject:  Magnifier Question
> Dear Readers,
> Magnifier schematics always seem to feature a rotary spark gap.  Why
> is that?  Can a magnifier use a static gap, or must it use a rotary
> for some reason?  Just wondering.
> Greg
> Beck Row, UK


Maggies typically use relatively tight coupling between the primary and
secondary of the driver (0.4 - 0.6). As you increase the coupling
coefficient, it becomes increasingly difficult to quench the spark gap.
Magnifiers often require series rotary gaps (multiple electrode pairs
connected in series) to increase the rate at which the electrodes are
separated to achieve adequate quenching. Static gaps will not suffice in
this application.

-- Bert --