130kW Coil -- First Light
From: Greg Leyh [SMTP:lod-at-pacbell-dot-net]
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 1998 10:28 AM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: 130kW Coil -- First Light
Bill Wysock wrote:
> Let me follow Richard's lead and throw in my "two volts worth..."
> Congratulations on the results you've obtained so far. It sounds
> like you're looking forward to something like 40-50 feet at full
> power? I've been watching the radar reports closely, and it
> looks like we'll both get drenched this week. The El Nino Express!
> Weather withstanding, do you have a new dateline for how long
> the unit will still be set up at Hunter's Point. And, have you
> christened this unit with a name yet?
We are in fact getting drenched right now, which is
one of the reasons that I have time to do email, and
it looks like it's not going to let up anytime soon.
It's just as well for the next few days though, since
I'm in the machine shop, working on the 4"x6"x27" G-10
slabs that will comprise the new electrode holders.
If these break, I had better be behind a sturdier
steel plate than the one I have now...
BTW, The name of this project is Electrum, given by artist
Eric Orr, who provides the aesthetic input for this coil
and its interface with the proposed surrounding landscape.
Personally, I call it 154L130K, referring to the secondary
length and thruput power.