
(Bizarre) Strange Spark Phenomena

From:  Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz [SMTP:acmq-at-compuland-dot-com.br]
Sent:  Wednesday, February 04, 1998 12:54 AM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: (Bizarre) Strange Spark Phenomena

Richard Hull wrote:

> This notion of the vhf short standing waves was mentioned by me a possible
> agent earlier in yet another post and might well be the real causitive
> agent...

Hertz made several of his experiments about radio using a device called 
"Righi oscillator", that was nothing more than a spark gap with large balls
at each side. The system is charged by an induction coil, and after each
spark through the gap the system irradiates until the spark dissipates.
Any system that has a spark gap between conductors may behave in this way.
This is a distributed system, and so has many natural modes of oscillation.
The fundamental mode puts a current maximum at the center of the spark gap,
and there are other modes with more current maxima in the gap. With certain
power levels and spark lengths these nodes can be clearly visible.  

Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz