
Good Pig

From:  Jim Fosse [SMTP:jim.fosse-at-bjt-dot-net]
Sent:  Wednesday, February 04, 1998 10:15 PM
To:  Tesla List
Subject:  Re: Good Pig

>From:  Gregory R. Hunter [SMTP:ghunter-at-mail.enterprise-dot-net]
>Sent:  Tuesday, February 03, 1998 4:03 PM
>To:  Tesla List
>Subject:  Good Pig
>Coiler Types,
>I've been tinkering with my new pig, trying to ascertain if it's
>serviceable or not.  I'm too chicken to apply mains power to it--I
>don't have anything to ballast it with.  I ohmed the 11KV winding,
>and the needle (honest, a moving needle) slowly settled down on
>about 350 ohms.  The 240V winding was practically a dead short.  I
>have no idea what the resistance of pig windings should be.  Do my
>readings sound right?

	My 7.2kV 10KVA pigs HV winding measures 23 ohms. It's 220V
winding is under 0.01 ohms.

To check it out, apply a low voltage to the 220V winding, say 1 to 6
volts AC, and measure the HV winding. 6 volts in will give you 300
volts out.

For a HV test, build a jacobs ladder on the HV side and use several
hundred watts of lights as the ballast in the 240V side, or some
heating elements - space heaters, clothes iron, electric charcoal

