D & B, last part II
From: Keith Nagel [SMTP:knagel-at-cnct-dot-com]
Sent: Friday, March 06, 1998 8:29 PM
To: Tesla List
Subject: Re: D & B, last part II
At 07:52 PM 3/5/98 -0600, you wrote:
>From: L.Robertson [SMTP:LWRobertson-at-email.msn-dot-com]
>Sent: Thursday, March 05, 1998 7:32 PM
>To: Tesla Builders
>Subject: D & B, last part II
>K. Nagel and all ...
>The part of the experiment showing rectification
>was done with a normal AC Tesla coil. I used a
>15 kV / 60 ma neon transformer.In each HV lead
>was a 200 ohm wirewound resistor, which attached
>directly to each end of a static spark gap. A 0.012
>uF cap and the primary coil complete the circuit.
This I find quite remarkable. I thought from the
earlier post that the driver was DC. What was the polarity
of the elevated terminal side of the cap?
>The big Aerovox cap (1.8 uF / 60 kV ) was connected
>between the bottom of the secondary and ground.
>You don't need such a big cap. I also used a salt
>water cap made from a half-gallon pickle jar - 0.0015 uF
>and it charged up just like the Aerovox, only faster.
>Anyone who can produce a few inches of spark should
>be able to achieve similar results.
I would think the tuning would be substantially altered
with such a high reactance in series with the coil
( using the small cap ).
>The rectification business was an unexpected side effect.
>I was really trying to increase spark intensity by driving
>some DC down the ionization channel, which was done
>by charging up the Aerovox with a separate DC supply.
>This DC supply was not connected when I measured the
>rectified current.
Yeah, I gathered the discharge must have been quite nice.
You don't mention the secondary resistance and reactance;
I'd imagine a high frequency coil to be ideal for the
enhanced discharge effect.
>I must say, though, anyone who needs to produce a real
>lightning bolt to ground can pick up these big pulse
>discharge caps for cheap at surplus places; and coupled with
>a modest Tesla coil generate significant discharge current.
Again I would imagine that the spark at the secondary
is the source of rectification. I'm puzzled by the issue
of polarity; did you notice a single polarity for all
experiments or did it change with each? Sorry for all
the questions...
I'm looking for these for pulse work with NMR, are any of the
surplus houses you mention mail order?