
Oddball Oudin Coil

From:  Edward V. Phillips [SMTP:ed-at-alumni.caltech.edu]
Sent:  Monday, March 16, 1998 11:46 AM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Re:  Oddball Oudin Coil

"That device is an induction coil (mechanically operated
fly-back circuit), not a Tesla coil."

	Those things have been called Tesla Coils for many, many
years.  In the form with which I am familiar they are used for
testing for (or sometimes starting) leaks in vacuum systems.  I
have one which appears to have been made around 1918.  Puts
out about a 3/4" spark and works fine on vacuum systems, as
it's supposed to.

	Don't know where the apellation Tesla Coil came for\
in regard to these........
