
Suggestions please

From:  C.D. Rakes [SMTP:cdrakes-at-ipa-dot-net]
Sent:  Thursday, March 19, 1998 6:01 PM
To:  tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
Subject:  Suggestions please

I have just taken apart a "Sensitive Research" high voltage divider set up
to measure  100,000-vdc.  It has a nice 18-inch Al toroid that set on top
of a 7-dia x 18-inches tall clear plastic type tubing with a wall thickness
of about 1/8-inch.   The winding area would be about 16-inches.   I have
many lbs of #26 and #28 copper enamel covered wire to use for the
secondary.  The #26 wire would produce a 928 turn coil, and the #28 wire
would make a 1163 turn coil.   I can pick up a NLTs,(I have smoked all of
my NLTs) and I have a 7200-v, and  a 14,4KV pole transformer that could be
used.   Gaps and capacitors will be made to match coil design.  Using the
above components what would be the best route to follower for maximum
sparks?  All suggestions would be appreciated.   Charles