Re: First Coil Works --Tuning Help
At 03:42 PM 12/11/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Last night I finally got some output from my coil... A 1/2 inch spark --to
>a grounded target. Definately NOT the best performence for a six-inch
>coil running on 1.5kVA! I figure I really need some tweaking help.
>This is my current setup:
>Two 15kV, 60mA Neons in parallel
>A lossy salt water cap (made from a gallon glass jug, I have 4 smaller
>A single, static gap. about 1/2 to 3/4 inch space --the spark was sorta
>erratic and bluish...
>An 8 turn primary coil --my coilform can handle up to 14 turns
>Finally, I use a toroid about 14" in diameter. 4" sewer pipe. I have a
>larger one as well.
>I'm willing to do pretty much anything to the setup to get good results, I
>know this isn't a good way of running now --more primary turns?
>Anyway, I'll appreciate ANY help.
Hi Adam,
I'm pretty new to this as well, but I feel obliged to respond, as my first
coil was of a similar format. Two 60mA/15kV NSTs and a 6" secondary
former. You can see pics of the bits & pieces at website below (see
'Current coil' and 'Photos')
Several points:
1. Use an RC protection circuit for the NSTs. The one I got from Malcolm
Watts seems to be fine, ie. my NSTs are still workin' fine ;-)
2. Make some decent caps. Rolled polyethylene in oil. Much stuffing
around but they will VASTLY out-perform current ones. Notes from list
archive, or I can mail 'em to you if you cant find them.
3. There is a LOT of science in spark-gaps & quenching. I started with
reasonable caps, so virtually all of the improvements I attained were in
this area. Try a TCBOR/RQ static gap with forced-air cooling for starters.
4. This set-up will take a *much larger* topload. Try to find a bigger
toroid form, at least 20" x 6", but even larger if you can manage it.
All the best,
Tesla Page <http://www.cobweb-dot-com.au/~dkfinnis>