
My First PIG and it's operation

Hi All,

    This past Friday I received my first PIG.  Its a beautiful 5KVA and
14.4 KV output with an external adjustable tapp.  First I went out and
bought 10 gauge "Romex" household wire and started winding my ballast.  I
put 130 turns around a 40 amp variac core with a 1/16" gap through the
core.  I was only able to get 10 mH out of it and a resistance of 4 ohms.
That gives me a Z of 7.8 ohms  since the Xsubl is so small.  Any possible
reasons why I only got 10 mh ?
	Anyway what I did was to get a bucket of water and purchased 2 3.5Kw hot
water heating elements.  They are about 12 ohms each.  I hook them in
parallel with each other and in series with the inductor and the pig.  I
then ran on the HV output of the pig 6 gauge grounding wire fashioned into
a 3' tall Jacobs latter.  I through the 220 breaker on and got one of the
best Jacobs latter performances in my life.
	I showed a lot of my friends and they were equally impressed.  I could
only run it for less than a minute before the water boiled profusely.  I
then hooked it up to my magnifier and got close to the same or slightly
less performance than I did before with a 10 KV 300 ma feed.  The power
levels where close with the pig but now I was feeding 14.4 KV.  This is
another puzzle.

	If anyone could answer these questions I would be very grateful.
1) Why only 10 mH with 130 turns on a 40 amp variac gapped core?
2) Why less performance from the magnifier when I am increasing the feed
voltage and keeping the power about the same.

	Should I just keep adding turns to my ballast?

Sorry it is so long, but it is my first pig and I am a bit excited.  Thank
you all for your help over the last year.  Great coiling to all of you.