Re: Floating pigs
Original Poster: Jeff Larson <jflarson-at-starnetinc-dot-com>
Can't you just use the grounded side for the grounded end of the coil
and just not worry about that leg all together?
NO !!!! You never, never, ever want to connect any part of the HV voltage with
your secondary (ground). Doing so will superimpose the high voltage AND the
very dangerous 50/60 Hz upon your coil. Yuuck. I know a lot of schematics show
this, but it is WRONG. Plus you would also superimpose the RF on your house
mains. Do you know what high power RF can do to your super expensive computer
or stereo system ?
I think what Greg was talking about was arc overs from the innermost wire (now
connected to the core) to the core if it was disconnected.
coiler greets from germany,