
Re: Self-built power transformer

On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: OttFritz-at-aol-dot-com 
> Hi Coilers,
> you often desciribe the insulation in this discussion, but what kind of
> material is the best choice for it. (especially between the winding layers)
> LDPE for example might be not so good, the high dielectric konstant means a
> relativ high parasitic capacitance in the selfmade pig. (if it works under
> oil, more higher)

I'd suspect that all kinds of polyethylene would best be kept away from
a transformer core. Even when a core is made of decent low-loss 
silicon-steel, it's still lossy, and it gets hot fairly quickly. 
Polyethylene will soften and flow as it's heated. Earlier discussion in
this thread that spoke of using polyethylene as insulation around the
core might also want to take this into consideration.

Wes B.

* wesb-at-spectra-dot-net *       "It's a magical world, Hobbes ol' buddy...       *
*                  *          ..Let's go exploring."     - Calvin           *