
Re: Arc Impedance Study

At 07:56 PM 10/9/98 -0700, you wrote:
>> It seems to favor the positive peaks somewhat.  I will have to look at this
>> specifically this weekend to really see if that is true.
>Mine favors the pos peaks as well, which agrees with 
>the published literature on polarity preferences of 
>sphere-to-plate spark gaps.

Hi Greg,

Mine definitely favors positive spikes as well (scope photo is at -
www.peakpeak-dot-com/~terryf/tesla/misc/spikes.jpg ).  They have a sharp rise
to about twice the normal level and then ramp back more gently.  Each one
(there are usually many in a peak) lasts about 200-300 nS.  There are
negative spikes too but the positive ones are much more prevalent.  They
appear to very much like the ones in your electrum photos both in relative
scale and timing.  Does anyone know why they like to arc on the positive


