Re: Arc Impedance Study - Computer Models
to: Terry
Nice post with clean, clear data. Your 1" sec elevation is very close to
my usual recommendations of 1 to 1 1/2 inches above the plane of the pri
coil for bottom turn of sec coil. Any coiler running a 20 to 24 inch dia
coil will find 7 to 9 inch elevation of sec coil above the primary plane
works best.
Malcolm also recently posted some confusion regarding, "the resonator
behaves as a lumped circuit exhibiting a uniform current throughout its
windings and wondered how the current could be the same at both the top and
bottom with no topload?" The answer is --- it isn't the same. Without a
large topload their is distributed not lumped capacitance throughout the
length of the sec coil and due to this distributed capacitance the coil
acts more like a transmission line. The sec coil will support a variety of
harmonics (some quite strong). When a large lumped capacitance is added to
the top the harmonics are supressed and the sec does not have even current
at both top and bottom.
Once corona ruptures the air the sec coil becomes de-tuned and its Q factor
quickly lowers. An equilibrium is established when the spark load and
internal secondary losses are equal to the power being transferred from the
primary. When the primary power level becomes less than the sec spark load
plus internal secondary losses, the primary starts to run out of power
power and rings down -- hence quenching can occur. As long as pri power is
greater than sec power during the transfer process, then spark gap
(primary) quenching will not occur.
Ringup is uniform with even volts/turn across the sec inductor with a large
Malcolm also discussed the VSWR vs. Q factor (1.3 x full ring-up value).
The term VSWR does apply to transmission line coils with little or small
topload, however, VSWR is not relavent to modern design with large topload
capacitive values. VSWR is a transmission line term and is not important
with large toploads. An interesting overlapping "gray" area does exist
with systems operating with a medium size topload --- that is somewhere
between small topload and large topload. This "gray" area is somewhat of a
balance between these two processes and explains clearly why some
investigators are obtaining strange results in their measurements. These
measured values like Lou Balint is obtaining will not apply to resonators
and magnifiers with large top loads such as Rich Hull and TCBOR have
constructed. Lou's work would apply more to small systems without large
toploads and may give false impressions if this data is applied to a
spark-excited system with large toploads. Caution is advised in this area
of interpretation.
For what it's worth, . . . . .
> From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
> Subject: Arc Impedance Study - Computer Models
> Date: Saturday, October 10, 1998 5:01 PM
> Original Poster: Terry Fritz <terryf-at-verinet-dot-com>
> Hi All,
> I ran a bunch of Spice models today using an arc load of 220k ohms and
> 5pF. This is the estimated arc load value I found from measurements on
> coil. I tested the ability of the coil to deliver power to the 220k
> resistor while I varied the coupling, Lp, the ratio of Ls and Ct, and Fo.
> The numbers my computer model used are as follows:
> Primary Capacitor Voltage 20000
> Primary Capacitance 17.05uF
> Primary Resistance 3 ohms
> Primary Inductance 120.6uH
> Fo 111.0kHz
> Secondary Inductance 75.4mH
> Secondary Total Resistance 270 ohms
> Secondary Capacitance 27.26pF
> Secondary Load 220k ohms + 5pF
> First the coupling tests. I tried a number of coupling coefficients and
> found the following:
> K Peak Current Burst Time Relative Power
> 0.05 336mA 120uS 2.98
> 0.105 597 80 6.27
> 0.123 653 70 6.56
> 0.145 719 63 7.17
> 0.172 783 55 7.42
> 0.201 846 45 7.08
> 0.250 909 35 6.36
> 0.300 966 31 6.36
> Relative power is calculated by taking 220000 ohms multiplied by the peak
> current squared and then multiplying by the burst Time. This gives an
> estimate of how much relative power is being dissipated in the 220k ohm
> resistance. this should be an indicator of the power being delivered to
> the arc.
> It appears that a coupling of 0.172 is best for my coil. This
> to my secondary being 1 inch above my primary. This has consistently
> the best point for my coil and now these calculations show this also.
> The Primary Inductance may have to be somewhat greater than the
> value due to the added terminal capacitance from the streamer. Richard
> Hull and others tune their coils with about 5% greater primary inductance
> to account for this. My results are as follows:
> Inductance Peak Current Burst Time Relative Power
> -20% 588 40 3.04
> -15% 635 45 3.99
> -10% 667 52 5.09
> -5% 698 56 6.00
> 0% 719 63 7.17
> +5% 737 65 7.77
> +10% 739 65 7.81
> +15% 734 69 8.17
> +20% 718 66 7.48
> The primary inductor appears to have to be 15% greater than the
> value for my coil. This allows for the added 5pF from the streamers.
> range of +5% to +15% seems to be relatively constant and supports my
> insensitivity to exact primary tuning. These results support what many
> have reported.
> Ls to Ct ratio. There has been much discussion on what effect the ratio
> secondary inductance to capacitance my have on coil performance. In
> this is sort of a measure of the output impedance for a coil.
> For this test the frequency is held constant. The secondary inductance
> varied and the secondary terminal capacitance is adjusted to keep the
> frequency consistent.
> Inductance % Peak Current Burst Time Relative Power
> 200% 747 57 6.99
> 150 741 60 7.25
> 100 719 63 7.17
> 66.7 664 65 6.30
> 50 608 65 5.29
> The burst time is very hard to see in the first two tests which make the
> results rather hard to use. However it appears that a somewhat larger
> secondary inductance would provide more power to the arc. It appears,
> however, that the Ls to Ct ratio is not having all that great of an
> on the output arcs.
> Fo. In this test, I proportionally scaled all the primary and secondary
> capacitances and inductances to see what difference changing Fo would
> Fo Peak Current Burst Time Relative Power
> 27.75kHz 321 245 5.55
> 55.5 533 124 7.75
> 111 719 63 7.17
> 222 777 35 4.65
> 444 741 20 2.42
> When I vary the primary capacitance, the primary energy changes so I need
> to account for this by dividing the Relative Power by the relative
> cap size:
> Fo New Relative Power
> 27.75kHz 1.39
> 55.5 3.86
> 111 7.17
> 222 9.3
> 444 9.68
> So this indicates for a given primary energy, higher frequencies are more
> efficient. These last results may be affected by the size of the arcs
> coils would produce and the resulting different loads those arcs would
> have. Apparently this is due to the fact that higher frequencies produce
> lower reactance in the 5pF load capacitance and thus allow more current
> flow. Of course, high frequency coils don't have nearly as much primary
> energy as large coils so larger coils, that have proportionally more
> primary energy, do somewhat better.
> So what does all this mean? For my coil I should set the coupling up to
> 0.172 and tap the primary 15% higher. Perhaps running the experiment
> trying high secondary terminal capacitance would also show some
> results. This would lower the system frequency without hurting any other
> factors.
> ----
> I just went back and did this with the following results:
> Ct,Lp Ratio Peak Current Burst Time Relative Power
> x4 316 125 2.75
> x2 512 88 5.07
> x1 719 63 7.17
> /2 872 45 7.53
> /4 926 35 6.60
> This would indicate lowing the secondary terminal capacitance would
> power to the arc.
> ----
> In general this spice computer test shows that the results from the
> computer model match the scope results well. The scope photos and the
> spice models are the same. Best yet, the spice models appear to be
> accurate enough to test coil designs on the computer and have those
> match real world observations. In short.. It all works :-)
> There is still some refining to do but the use of 220k ohms plus 1pF of
> capacitance as a value for arc impedance seems to be holding up so far.
> Terry Fritz