Re: Arc Impedance Study
Hi Terry,
First off, kudos on your research and results! Love it!
> Original Poster: Terry Fritz <terryf-at-verinet-dot-com>
> At 07:56 PM 10/9/98 -0700, you wrote:
> snip>
> >> It seems to favor the positive peaks somewhat. I will have to look at
> >> specifically this weekend to really see if that is true.
> >
> >Mine favors the pos peaks as well, which agrees with
> >the published literature on polarity preferences of
> >sphere-to-plate spark gaps.
> >
> snip>
> Hi Greg,
> Mine definitely favors positive spikes as well (scope photo is at -
> www.peakpeak-dot-com/~terryf/tesla/misc/spikes.jpg ). They have a sharp rise
> to about twice the normal level and then ramp back more gently. Each one
> (there are usually many in a peak) lasts about 200-300 nS. There are
> negative spikes too but the positive ones are much more prevalent. They
> appear to very much like the ones in your electrum photos both in relative
> scale and timing. Does anyone know why they like to arc on the positive
> peaks??
A thought for what it's worth - that electric field polarity, intense
as it is strips electrons from the air molecules and attracts them to
the terminal while repelling the resulting ions.