
Re: UK Neon Sign Transformers

 Original Poster: "Dale, Martin" <martin.dale-at-ntu.ac.uk> 
 Hi Jan and all on list,
 The great thing about NST's is that they are "shunted" so they cannot
 deliver any more current than it says on the plate.

Hi Martin, Jan, All

What you write in the snipped paragraph above is not quite true. Using the
proper resonant cap (for 50 Hz in your/my case 60Hz for US coilers) will let
you "suck" more current out of the NST than its faceplate value will lead you
to believe. (This is why we do it.) And an NST can kill you too, under the
right (wrong) circumstances.

However, I agree with you on starting out with an NST or even better a small
OBIT to get "warm" with HV. Although not directly related to Tesla coils one
should be warned by Cabbottīs accident to be very careful and never assume
anything (check, double and TRIPLE check everything), Donīt work with HV/
power tools, etc under the influence of drugs, medicine, alchohol, if you are
tired, etc. itīs better to be safe than sorry... 

As I to have the same problem of getting xformers for my coil here in germany,
I have done very extensive MOT testing. 6 x 2.3kV-at-700mA (9.6kVA) is POLE PIG
POWER and just as dangerous. 

My testing has also shown me that MOTīs are not suitable for TC work. In order
to protect seriesīd MOTs (if you can find ones that will stand up to
seriesing) you need a safety gap across EACH MOT and run them under oil. A
single safety gap across all MOTs will NOT (NO!) protect them. I speak from
experince. A MOT (or two) would be intersting for a toob TC,tho. But for our
DWC coils they arenīt worth a darn.

Coiler greets from germany,