
Re: Capacitor testing

Thanks for your help.  The cap held up okay, but due to the noise I
don't want to run it for more than a few minutes at a time.  The setup
I'm using is six beer bottles (varying brands, shapes, and sizes) each
filled most of the way with a super-saturated solution of water and
epsom salt, then topped off with motor oil.  The electrodes inside the
bottles are .25" X 8" zinc coated hex bolts.  Aluminum foil wrapped on
the outside and bottom of the bottles is the other electrode.  I lined
the bottom of a plastic laundry detergent bucket with aluminum foil,
then put all the bottles in it (so the foil on the bottom of the bottles
is connected to the foil on the bottom of the bucket, and then all the
foil is connected together), and then I electrically tied the hex bolts
together with the ground from some Romex, and drilled some holes in the
bucket to bring the wires out (one on the bolts, one that runs under the

I've read about SW caps glowing, but I haven't seen any corona off of
mine.  Do they just have to run awhile before they start glowing, or is
that from using SW on the outside of the bottles?

Thanks again,