Re: Many dry caps in series?
>Original Poster: David Huffman <huffman-at-fnal.gov>
>Something I have wondered is if there will still be corona on the caps
>that are at the top of the voltage string. That is even though the
>individual voltages on the sections will be under 1KV, the voltage on
>some sections will be several KVs WRT ground or the surrounding air. Does
>someone know for sure ?
I believe corona occurs as a result of the strength of the electric
field, in volts per inch, or whatever. Across the dielectric, the field
is 1KV/.006" = 166V/mil. From the top plate to ground, assuming a 2 inch
seperation, the field is much lower due to the greater distance. 20KV/2"
= 10V/mil.
Gary Lau
Waltham, MA USA